Updated: Oil and gas: Chemicals, directions, PON14s, OPPC, OPEP and consent to locate spreadsheets - (updated)
Here you will find data on the Environmental Statements and Petroleum Operations Notice 15 - PON15s - submitted to DECC with regard to the listed regulations.
Food and Environmental Protection Act 1985 (as amended)
To view received applications, please contact either Marine Scotland (Scottish waters) or CEFAS (English and Welsh waters).
Marine Scotland
Marine Laboratory
PO Box 101
Victoria Road
AB11 9DB
tel: 01224 295581
email: env_prot@marlab.ac.uk
Lowestoft Laboratory
Pakefield Road
NR33 0HT
tel: 01621 787200
email: ogc@cefas.co.uk
The Offshore combustion installations (Pollution prevention and control) regulations 2013
Applications received
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47.5KB)- New Permit Public Notices
- New Permit Decision Notices
Merchant shipping (oil pollution preparedness, response co-operation convention) regulations 1998
Oil pollution emergency plans (OPEPs) received and approved
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 108KB)
Offshore petroleum activities (oil pollution prevention and control) regulations 2005 (as amended)
OPPC life permit – applications received
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 82KB)
OPPC term permit - applications received
OPPC Term Permit applications received in 2013
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 76KB)
OPPC Term Permit applications received in 2012
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 56KB)
OPPC Term Permit applications received in 2011
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 59KB)
OPPC Term Permit applications received in 2010
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 44.5KB)
OPPC Term Permit applications received in 2009
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 43KB)
Offshore chemicals regulations 2002
PON15D production applications
2002 - 2013
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 23.7KB)
PON15B, C, E and F applications
The Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002 PON15B, C, E and F Applications in 2013
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 36.9KB)
The Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002 PON15B, C, E and F Applications in 2012
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 113KB)
The Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002 PON15B, C, E and F Applications in 2011
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 102KB)
The Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002 PON15B, C, E and F Applications in 2010
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 141KB)
The Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002 PON15B, C, E and F Applications in 2009
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 66KB)
European Union emission trading scheme regulations 2003 (EU ETS)
Applications under consultation and decisions
ETS Applications
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 67.5KB)
The offshore petroleum production and pipelines (assessment of environmental effects) regulations 1999
Under consultation
- Environmental statements received
- Environmental statements reviewed
PON15B, C and D applications
The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 PON15B, C and D Applications in 2013
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 27.9KB)
The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 PON15B, C and D Applications in 2012
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 74KB)
The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 PON15B, C and D Applications in 2011
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 74KB)
The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 PON15B, C and D Applications in 2010
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 101KB)
The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipelines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999 PON15B, C and D Applications in 2009
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 40KB)
Offshore petroleum production and pipelines (assessment of environmental effects) (amendment) regulations 2007
Listed below are details of projects that have been assessed by the Secretary of State since the above Regulations came into force on the 16 April 2007 and been determined as not likely to have any significant impact on the environment and therefore exempt from the obligation to submit a formal application for a direction and undertake an environmental impact assessment.
Such exemptions are currently restricted to minor pipeline works that are located entirely within existing safety zones around offshore facilities, on the grounds that these works will not have any significant impact on the environment, commercially exploited marine resources, protected habitats or species, or other users of the sea.
These regulations also apply to the renewal of a production consent where the consent relates to the term of the consent being extended but without any other variation in the conditions attached to the consent.
Exemptions tracking spreadsheet
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 65.5KB)
Offshore petroleum activities (conservation of habitats) regulations 2001
Geological survey and shallow drilling applications reviewed
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 81KB)
PON14 applications
PON 14 applications in 2013
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 41.5KB)
PON 14 applications in 2012
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 95KB)
PON 14 applications in 2011
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 93KB)
PON 14 applications in 2010
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 77.5KB)
PON 14 applications in 2012
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 95KB)
If you wish to view any of the applications mentioned then please contact the Oil Company direct and they will make available (for a small handling charge) a copy of the statement/application required.
Energy Act part 4a
Consent to locate 2013
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 42.9KB)
Consent to locate 2012
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 64.5KB)
Consent to locate 2011
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 46.5KB)
PON 1 Data
The following spreadsheet presents data about oil and chemical releases that took place between 2005 and 2012. Petroleum Operations Notices (PONs) are used to report oil and chemical releases. PON 1 is used to report oil and chemical releases and Permitted Discharge Notifications (PDNs) from offshore installations and pipelines.
Readers should be aware that HSE and DECC publish Hydrocarbon Release data on their website in accordance with regulatory reporting requirements. HSE and DECC have different regulatory responsibilities and this is reflected in the incident reports received.
Hydrocarbon Release data submitted to HSE is primarily concerned with gaseous and flammable liquid releases capable of causing serious injury or fatality or a major accident. Where required to be reported it is the total quantity released that is reported regardless of whether the hydrocarbon enters the sea. This data is available here
DECC, as the offshore environmental regulator, requires operators to submit details of all chemical and oil releases/spills to sea, regardless of quantity. It is only the quantity of oil or chemical released/spilled to sea that is reported. This information is submitted by operators using a Petroleum Operations Notice 1 (PON1). The PON1 does not record gaseous releases. This data is available below.
As a result of the above reporting requirements there may be incidents that are reported independently to HSE or DECC or on some occasions to both, depending on circumstances. Quantities reported may also vary as DECC is only notified of quantities spilled to sea with the potential to cause pollution.
Overall PON1 data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 10.8KB
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publication ("Overall PON1 data").
Historical data can be accessed here
Latest PON1 Data
PON1 2010 data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 137KB
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quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("PON1 2010 data").
PON1 2009 data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 138KB
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in a more accessible format please email
quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("PON1 2009 data").
PON1 2008 data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 133KB
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quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("PON1 2008 data").
PON1 2007 data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 143KB
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in a more accessible format please email
quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("PON1 2007 data").
Please direct any queries to: offshore.inspectorate@decc.gsi.gov.uk
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