Friday, July 19, 2013

Measuring and Reporting Environmental Impact

Measuring and Reporting Environmental Impacts:

  • From the 1st October 2013 the 'Companies Act 2006 (Strategic & Directors Report) Regulations 2013' will require all UK quoted companies to report on their greenhouse gas emissions as part of their annual directors report.

  • This affects all UK incorporated companies listed on: the main market of the London Stock Exchange, a European Economic area market of whose shares are dealing on the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ.

There is a newly structured annual report being created with a section called 'The Strategic Report', within this, companies will be required to report on environmental matters.

Where appropriate the use of Key Performance Indicator's will also have to be reported; if the annual report does not include this information, then it must point out omissions.

Useful Terminology...

  • Greenhouse Gasses - carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, hydroflurocarbons, perflurocarbons and sulphur hexafluroide. Carbon dioxide is expected to be responsible for 2/3rd's of the anticipated future global warming

  • Carbon Footprint - the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organisation, product, event or person

  • Climate Change - rising global temperatures bringing changes in weather, rising sea levels and increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather caused by the release of greenhouse gasses.

Benefits of Reporting...

  • Provides Increased visibility into an organisations energy consumption - making it easier to budget and target energy use and costs

  • Benefit from lower energy and resource costs

  • Gain a deeper understanding of exposure to the risks of climate change

  • Demonstrates organisations leadership and responsibility, which will strengthen green credentials in the marketplace

Using environmental KPI's can be helpful in capturing the link between environmental and financial performance

Thursday, July 18, 2013

British Gas launches new tariff

ENERGYLINX: British Gas has removed two tariffs from the market, and replaced them both with the new Fixed Price October 2014.

Ecotricity set to launch 100% green energy tariff

ENERGYLINX: Renewable energy supplier Ecotricity is set to simplify its tariff structure from August 1, by reducing the number of tariffs it has on offer to just one.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

British Gas scrap rollover contracts - good news for all SME customers

British Gas will no longer sell auto-rollover contracts from 1 September 2013

A new process for renewing the contracts of existing customers – without an auto-rollover – will begin in June 2014

British Gas is the first energy supplier to commit to ending auto-rollover contracts, and the company is calling on other suppliers to follow suit.

Products without auto-rollover will be launched in September 2013 for new customers.

From June 2014, existing British Gas customers will be offered renewal options that require the customer to make a choice about which tariff they would like to sign up to, and which will not include another automatic fixed-term contract. Customers will be able to choose from a range of fixed-term or variable options.

Existing customers who reach the end of their contracts before June 2014 will be able to move to a non-rollover contract if they contact British Gas to discuss their renewal.

Stephen Beynon, Managing Director of British Gas Business, said: “At British Gas, we are committed to leading the way in making the sale of energy simple and transparent for all our customers. Increasing numbers of our small business customers have told us they don’t like the way the energy industry automatically moves them onto new contracts, so we’ve decided we will lead the way and put an end to this practice for our customers.
“We’re the first supplier to announce an end to auto-rollover contracts and we're calling on the industry and the regulator to work together to ensure that all customers have a transparent choice of products that never include auto-rollover."

Prime Minister David Cameron said: “Small businesses are the engine of our economy and I am committed to ensuring that we do everything we can to help them succeed. Whether that is support to grow, cutting red tape or the lowest energy bills, we have to do everything possible to provide the environment in which they can flourish.
“Last year I committed to ensuring that consumers get the best possible tariff from their supplier. I know that auto-rollovers have similarly been a big issue facing small business so two months ago, I set up a cross-industry group on this issue. I am therefore delighted to welcome British Gas’s leadership and I hope that other suppliers will rapidly follow suit.”

We hope that helps you if you have a renewal in the next few months and that this will give you more freedom to shop around!

Historic Electricity Price Data

New page added, showing historic electricity price data from January 2008 to present.

Price shown are a standard index, industrial peak, peak and off peak.  An interesting way to see the level of volatility on the UK electricity markets.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

E.ON launches tariff updates

ENERGYLINX: E.ON Energy has launched updated versions of its benchmark one and two year fixed rate tariffs.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Efficient lighting is the most popular way of investing in green technology

Efficient lighting is the most popular way of investing in green technology, according to a survey. The Carbon Trust polled 993 businesses that had recently upgraded technology, to create a list of the most popular investments in energy efficiency.

More than three-quarters of respondents (77 per cent) said they had invested in energy efficient lighting in the past year. Next was employee awareness training (59 per cent), and energy metering, monitoring and targeting technology (57 per cent). Boilers and boiler controls was the next most popular, followed by efficient ventilation and air conditioning. Less popular was investment in compressed air and industrial processes.

See more at: