This data is extracted from Ofgem's Renewables and CHP Register and includes all applications currently pending accreditation. A pending application may be a new application, an application amended to add capacity, or an application amended for some other reason such as replacing a meter.
Monday, February 03, 2014
Collection: Quantitative research into public awareness, attitudes, and experience of Smart Meters
The Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) has set up a tracking survey to measure the public's views on smart meters and in-home displays (IHDs), including their information needs. The overall objective of this project is to understand consumer awareness, understanding of and attitudes towards smart meters and to see how these are changing over time. The study is comprised of biannual nationally representative surveys, conducted face-to-face in homes across Great Britain.
Source: Collection: Quantitative research into public awareness, attitudes, and experience of Smart Meters
FOI release: Abnormal weather events
Transparency data: Minutes: CoRWM Plenary, January 2014
In this meeting, CoRWM members reported back on recent meetings that they had observed or attended with DECC and Scottish Government Sponsors, and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Research Board Chair. CoRWM members compared their observation of DECC's Deliberative Events which were held during the period of the Consultation on the Siting Process for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF). The Committee then discussed topics for their 2014-17 work plan. They agreed that they would revert back to having open meetings wherever possible. It was also agreed that a way of making CoRWM's historical documents more accessible should be found.
Source: Transparency data: Minutes: CoRWM Plenary, January 2014
News story: New non-executive director at the Department of Energy and Climate Change
Tom Kelly starts today as a non-executive director to the department. He is currently the corporate communications director at Network Rail.
Tom previously spent sixteen years with the BBC working in Belfast and London and nearly a decade in government, first as director of communications at the Northern Ireland Office, and then from 2001 to 2007 as the Prime Minister's official spokesperson.
Following Downing Street, Mr Kelly moved to BAA then the FSA, before Network Rail. He will shortly be moving to become Strategic Communications Adviser for HS2.
Source: News story: New non-executive director at the Department of Energy and Climate Change
Stansted campaigners call for government action on noisy flights
Source: Stansted campaigners call for government action on noisy flights
Merseyside cancer sufferer hit by £140 a week energy bills which cancel out his pension
Source: Merseyside cancer sufferer hit by £140 a week energy bills which cancel out his pension
Gas exports from B.C. seen as key to reviving pipeline
Source: Gas exports from B.C. seen as key to reviving pipeline
Ukraine Has $3.3Bln Unpaid Gas Bill – Gazprom
Npower’s annus horribilis
Source: Npower’s annus horribilis
Energy provider rebrands
Source: Energy provider rebrands
EDF Energy workers are top of the slimmers
Network with confirmed attendees including Shell, Gazprom, Anadarko Petroleum and more at Floating LNG
Venue of the Week: SSE Hydro, Glasgow
Natural Gas Declines a Third Day on Milder U.S. Weather Outlook
Source: Natural Gas Declines a Third Day on Milder U.S. Weather Outlook
Reuters: Ukraine's Naftogas says may fail to pay Gazprom on time
Source: Reuters: Ukraine's Naftogas says may fail to pay Gazprom on time
Stop Stansted Expansion calls on Government to end all night flights
Source: Stop Stansted Expansion calls on Government to end all night flights
Ukraine’s gas debt to Russia rising – report
SSE Airtricity renamed after British parent firm
Ukrainian Naftogas says may fail to pay Gazprom on time
Source: Ukrainian Naftogas says may fail to pay Gazprom on time