Thursday, June 06, 2013

Consultation outcome: Community Energy: call for evidence

By HM Government

Updated: The Community Energy Strategy, which serves as the government response to the call for evidence, has been published today.

This Call for Evidence will run for 8 weeks between 6 June and 1 August 2013.

In this Call for Evidence, we want to hear from community energy groups and community energy intermediaries (such as membership organisations or those offering support and advice to community energy groups), as well as all others with an interest in community energy, including banks, private equity firms, venture capitalists, infrastructure funds, energy companies (supply, networks and generation), developers, builders, planners, local authorities (including parish councils), other local organisations, health professionals and members of the public.

We would also like to hear from community networks and parts of civic society who have an interest in energy, even if it is just a small part of the organisation's remit.


Community energy - community projects or initiatives focused on reducing, managing, generating or purchasing energy - is on the rise in the UK and we believe that it has the potential to achieve more in the UK, offering solutions where Government action is not enough.

To help us identify how to unlock the potential of community energy, this Call for Evidence seeks evidence, views and ideas to complement our own analysis and research in the following areas:

  • Evidence of the potential benefits of community energy

  • Understanding the barriers to community energy

  • Identifying innovative approaches and new approaches

We encourage responses via our online consultation system, Citizen's Space,

Community Energy Survey

The Community Energy Survey has been published alongside DECC's Call for Evidence, to assist with a systematic assessment of the current scale and profile of the community energy sector. It has been jointly commissioned by DECC and Consumer Futures, and will inform DECC's forthcoming Community Energy Strategy. Databuild would like to hear from community group representatives or individuals involved in supporting communities to do energy projects.

The online survey is designed to gather detailed information about energy projects and activities that community groups across the UK have undertaken in the last five years, those that are in the process of being undertaken and activities that are in the pipeline. Responses are being collected until 9 August.

Supplementary Research

This research report supplements the Call for Evidence and provides a synthesis of published research and evidence around community energy in the UK. It summarises the existing evidence about the role and impact of community energy activity in the UK, highlights gaps in the evidence base, and suggests ways they might be filled in the future. This interim report is the output of the first phase of an on-going research project jointly commissioned by DECC and Consumer Futures and carried out by Databuild Research and Development, supported by the Energy Saving Trust

Monday, June 03, 2013

Detailed guide: Oil and gas: DECC Public Registers of Enforcement Activity

By HM Government

Updated: Oil and gas: 2008/003 Register of Enforcement and Prohibition notice removed


The Public Registers of Enforcement Activity are a new addition to DECC's Oil and Gas Website and have been introduced to bring this area in line with our policy on publication of data. The registers outline the formal Enforcement Activity undertaken by DECC in respect of offshore oil and gas operations on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS).

Under the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, DECC is committed to make available on request information about its actions and decisions, which includes information on formal Enforcement Activity.

The information provided within the registers will be subject to release and publication in accordance with the Freedom of Information (FOI) act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).

DECC Enforcement Activity falls into four main categories; Letters, Enforcement and Prohibition Notices, Permit Revocation, and Prosecution. The DECC Public Register of Enforcement and Prohibition Notices and the DECC Public Register of Convictions are available by clicking on the relevant link(s).

DECC Public Registers of Enforcement Activity and Prohibition Notices

The DECC Offshore Environmental Inspectorate enforces offshore oil and gas environmental regulations and permit conditions. On occasion DECC may require offshore permit holders and/or licensed operators to make improvements by issuing them with a Notice; either an Enforcement Notice which allows time for the recipient to comply with prescribed conditions or a Prohibition Notice which prohibits an activity from occurring until remedial action has been taken.

  • An Enforcement Notice may be issued where the Secretary of State is of the opinion that:
    • any condition of a permit has been contravened, is being contravened or is likely to be contravened; or

    • a release or a discharge without a permit has occurred , is occurring or is likely to occur

Each Enforcement notice will identify the steps to be taken to remedy or prevent the contravention/release or discharge and will specify the period within which those steps must be taken.

  • A Prohibition Notice may be issued where the Secretary of State is of the opinion that the operation of an offshore installation involves an imminent risk of serious pollution. Each Prohibition Notice will specify the steps to be taken to remove the risk involved in the operation of the offshore installation before operations are allowed to be undertaken again.

The issue of an Enforcement Notice and/or a Prohibition Notice does not prevent other Enforcement Activity, such as Prosecution, being progressed if this is deemed appropriate.

The DECC Public Register of Enforcement and Prohibition Notices includes all notices issued in the last five years. Notices that are older than five years old are available on request. In order to account for the appeals process and quality assurance there is a 5 week period following the date of issue of a notice prior to publication of the notice details on this register. Where DECC are notified of an appeal outside this time period, details of the Notice will be removed from the register. Notices that have been appealed will not appear on the register until after the appeal has been disposed..

Register of Enforcement and Prohibition Notices

Notice Number Operator Notice Type Legislation Issue Date

001/2008 & 002/2009
(PDF, 83.7KB, 1 page)
Lundin Britain Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 19 December 2008

(PDF, 82.8KB, 1 page)
Fairfield Betula Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 23 February 2009

001/2008 & 002/2009
(PDF, 83.7KB, 1 page)
Lundin Britain Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 30 March 2009

(PDF, 82.7KB, 1 page)
Talisman Energy (UK) Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 23 October 2009

(PDF, 83.2KB, 1 page)
ConocoPhillips Petroleum Company (UK) Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 11 November 2009

(PDF, 83KB, 1 page)
Ithaca Energy (UK) Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 22 January 2010

(PDF, 83KB, 1 page)
TAQA Bratani Ltd Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 28 September 2010

(PDF, 83.5KB, 1 page)
Nexen Petroleum U.K. Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 7 October 2010

(PDF, 155KB, 1 page)
CNR International (UK) Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 24 March 2011

(PDF, 83.2KB, 1 page)
BG International (CNS) Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 23 March 2011

(PDF, 82.6KB, 1 page)
Britannia Operator Limited Enforcement Regulation 16(A) & 19 of the OCR Regs 2002 22 November 2011

(PDF, 82.7KB, 1 page)
Shell UK Limited Enforcement Regulation 13(1) & 17 of the OPPC Regs 2005 December 19, 2011

(PDF, 82.6KB, 1 page)
TAQA Bratani Ltd Enforcement Regulation 4 of the OPPC Regs 2005 April 4, 2012

(PDF, 82.7KB, 1 page)
BP Exploration Operating Company Limited Enforcement Regulation 4 of the OPPC Regs 2005 June 11, 2012

(PDF, 82.8KB, 1 page)
TOTAL E&P UK Limited Enforcement Regulations 16A (1) & 16A (1A) of the OCR Regs 2002 as amended December 18, 2012

DECC Public Register of Convictions

This is a register of prosecution cases resulting in successful conviction which have been brought by DECC against offshore permit holders and/or licensed operators in respect of the relevant environmental legislation administered. In general, Prosecutions are pursued where DECC consider:

  1. the gravity of the alleged offence, taken together with the seriousness of any actual or potential pollution justifies this approach; or

  2. the general record and approach of the alleged offender warrants it; or

  3. there has been a reckless disregard of requirements enforced by the legislation.

The register includes Prosecutions brought by DECC in the last five years. Details of ongoing Prosecution cases and any convictions subject to appeal will not be published. To account for the appeals process there is a delay of 9 weeks following conviction before a case is added to the register. Details of Prosecutions will appear on this register for a period of five years after which they are removed from the register and are available on request.

Register of Convictions

Incident Report No. Operator Legislation