Updated: Oil and gas: 2013 Drilling activity – (updated)
Each application to drill (PON 4) is considered with respect to the fulfilment of specific licence obligations and impact on the environment and other users of the sea. Drilling and petroleum developments offshore are subject to the requirements of the Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipe-lines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999, which implement the EU Environmental Impact Assessment Directive (PON 15 and PON 16).
Individual well data
Use the Well Data Search Tool to find basic well header data by quadrant and block (please note that this data is derived directly from WONS and may be subject to later alteration and update).
Approval process
Since November 2000 a new web-based well consent system (WONS - available through the Oil Portal) should be used (unless otherwise instructed by DECC) by operators applying electronically for consent to drilling operations (replacing PON 4, PON 5 and PON 8). This has simplified the procedure for well consents by reducing the need for multiple applications and consents, and also provides a fast and secure method for transmitting information. Applications to drill should be submitted at least 28 days in advance.
Contact Phil Harrison at phil.harrison@decc.gsi.gov.uk for details and instructions for company registration.
A full environmental statement may be required for wells determined as likely to have significant effect on the environment by virtue of their nature, size or location.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) requires a 21-day notification period for well applications. The Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc.) Regulations 1996 are applicable to these activities
Data requirements
Data collection starts once a well has been spudded when the operator submits a spud notification on WONS. DECC will issue an official well number via WONS (see PON 12), which is to be used for all data and records resulting from the well's drilling.
All well data requirements are set out in the documents PON 9 (offshore) and PON 9b (onshore) below.
PON 9 (offshore)
(PDF, 545KB, 36 pages)
PON 9b (onshore)
(PDF, 288KB, 12 pages)
Onshore operators have a statutory obligation to also supply well data to the British Geological Survey (BGS). Visit the BGS website for more information.
Drilling activity
The following data will allow you to search for information about current drilling activity, as well as details of drilling activity that has already taken place – by year and by basin.
Current drilling
Drilling activity - current (last updated January 2014 - next update April 2014)
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Drilling activity by year
The table below provides a breakdown of total well numbers by year and by activity since 1964.
Drilling activity – by year
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 17.5KB
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Drilling activity by basin
The table below provides a breakdown of total well numbers by year and by basin since 1964.
Drilling activity – by basin
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 46KB
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Significant Discoveries
A breakdown of significant offshore discoveries, in date order
PDF, 736KB, 17 pages
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publication ("A breakdown of significant offshore discoveries, in date order").
Stratigraphy and lithology data
The following data has been provided by licence operators to DECC and is released four years in arrears. Please note that while every care is taken to ensure the information is correct and up-to-date, DECC does not guarantee its accuracy. Anyone relying on the information does so at their own risk
- chronostratigraphy hierarchy
- lithology codes
- lithostratigraphy hierarchy
- well stratigraphy
- well stratigraphy - zipped access file
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