Updated: Oil and gas: Field approvals and start-ups in 2013 - (updated)
There are vast amounts of data available that relate to UK oil and gas fields, including historical and current production figures, production projections, charts indicating UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) income and expenditure, and information releases on oil discharges.
Gas received at terminals
- Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics Table F.2: Gas production
Field details
Field list – a tool to find information about all UKCS fields
- DECC field partners and the percentage of their holding - Text
- DECC field partners and the percentage of their holding - Excel
Total oil production: 1975 to 2012
Oil production since 1975
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Total gas production: 1991 to 2012
Gross gas production since 1991
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 132KB
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Flaring - by fields
Gas flaring at oil terminals and producing offshore oilfields
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 46.5KB
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Oil received at terminals
Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics Table F.1: Crude oil and natural gas liquids production
Production projections
Production projections
PDF, 135KB, 4 pages
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Production (and demand) projections
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 276KB
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UK production data
This is the gateway to the release of UK production data.
graphical format with a rolling 12-month dataset (HTML format)
graphical format with a rolling 12-month dataset (Excel format)
Tabulated versions
The following reports contain data as a rolling 12-month dataset:
Production in volume units (liquids in cubic metres, gas in Ksm3) – PDF
Production in volume units (liquids in cubic metres, gas in Ksm3) – Excel
Production in mass units (both liquids and gas in tonnes) – PDF
Production in mass units (both liquids and gas in tonnes) – Excel
Production in oil field units (liquids in barrels, gas in MMscf) – PDF
Production in oil field units (liquids in barrels, gas in MMscf) – Excel
Historical production data
- complete production history for oil fields (from 1975) and gas fields (from 1995)
- well data release index page – links to all well production and injection data (up to 1999)
Oil and gas wells
Oil fields
Oil fields by well
Onshore oil fields by well
Well oil production by year
Well oil production by year
Well gas production by year
Well gas production by year
Well water production by year
Well water production by year
Well injection by year
Well injection by year
Gas fields
Offshore gas fields by well
Onshore gas fields by well
Well dry gas production by year
Well dry gas production by year
Well condensate production by year
Well condensate production by year
Well water production by year
Well water production by year
UK oil and gas reserves
DECC aggregation of UK reserves and resources as at the end of 2012 is based on data collected from operators during February and March 2013.
In total, 748 fields and potential developments or past discoveries – both offshore and onshore – were reviewed.
Information about the data
- analysis in the oil and gas tables is focused on remaining reserves instead of estimated ultimate recovery.
- the UK reserves tables are presented in metric units but Appendix 1 shows field unit versions of these tables.
- the overall summary page presents tabular figures for discovered resources only, and offers an explanatory paragraph that takes account of the estimates for undiscovered resources to arrive at a best estimate of remaining recoverable UKCS hydrocarbon resources.
- the summary table is presented in billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) to allow comparison of oil and gas data.
- Appendix 2 shows historic UK oil and gas reserves and production figures and is the data used to generate the oil and gas reserves v time charts
DECC aggregation of UK reserves and resources

UK oil reserves and estimated ultimate recovery 2013
PDF, 131KB, 3 pages
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publication ("UK oil reserves and estimated ultimate recovery 2013").

UK gas reserves and estimated ultimate recovery 2013
PDF, 182KB, 3 pages
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publication ("UK gas reserves and estimated ultimate recovery 2013").

Estimates of UK potential additional resources 2013
PDF, 105KB, 2 pages
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publication ("Estimates of UK potential additional resources 2013").

Pie charts showing potential for UK reserves growth 2013
PDF, 296KB, 1 page
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publication ("Pie charts showing potential for UK reserves growth 2013").

Estimates of UK undiscovered resources 2013
PDF, 189KB, 3 pages
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publication ("Estimates of UK undiscovered resources 2013").

Summary table: ranges of UK hydrocarbon resources
PDF, 175KB, 2 pages
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publication ("Summary table: ranges of UK hydrocarbon resources").

Appendix 1: field unit version of UK reserves tables
PDF, 106KB, 2 pages
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publication ("Appendix 1: field unit version of UK reserves tables").

Appendix 2 – Historic UK Oil and Gas Reserves and Production 2013
PDF, 53.3KB, 1 page
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publication ("Appendix 2 – Historic UK Oil and Gas Reserves and Production 2013").
Estimated ultimate recovery
Total recovery from a field, i.e. reserves plus past production
Discovered, remaining reserves that are recoverable and commercial. Can be proven, probable or possible depending on confidence level
Potential additional resources
Discovered resouces that are not currently technically or commercially producible
Undiscovered resources
Undiscovered potentially recoverable resources in mapped leads
Reserves are categorised as ‘proven', ‘probable' or ‘possible', based on confidence levels, as follows:
Reserves that on the available evidence, are virtually certain to be technically and commercially producible, i.e. have a better than 90% chance of being produced
Reserves that are not yet proven, but which are estimated to have a better than 50% chance of being technically and commercially producible
Reserves that at present cannot be regarded as probable, but which are estimated to have a significant – but less than 50% – chance of being technically and commercially producible
This data was published in August 2013 and due to be updated in September 2014.
UKCS income and expenditure
The tables below outline income and expenditure related to exploration, development and operating activities on the UK Continental Shelf:

Income from and expenditure on UKCS exploration, development and operating activities: annually 1970-2012
PDF, 148KB, 1 page
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publication ("Income from and expenditure on UKCS exploration, development and operating activities: annually 1970-2012").
Field Approvals
The tables below list recent oil and gas Field Development Plans Approvals and Field Development Plan Addenda Approvals by DECC in 2012 and 2013 to date.
A full list of offshore field approvals since 1976 is also available together with charts showing the number of new field development plan approvals and field development plan addenda approvals by year and the capex spend committed for these approvals by year.
Field Development Plan Approvals in 2013 to date
(PDF, 24.7KB, 2 pages)
Field Development Plan Approvals in 2012
(PDF, 22.5KB, 1 page)
Full List of Offshore Field Approvals
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 83.7KB)
Chart showing Number of Field Development Plan Approvals By Year
(PDF, 95.3KB, 1 page)
Chart showing Number of Field Development Plan Addenda Approvals By Year
(PDF, 118KB, 1 page)
Chart Showing Capex Spend Committed for Field and FDP Addenda Approvals By Year
(PDF, 176KB, 1 page)
Field Start-Ups
The tables below list recent oil and gas field start-ups in 2012 and 2013 to date.
A full list of offshore fields in production is also available.
Field Start-Ups in 2013 to date
(PDF, 12.6KB, 1 page)
Field Start-Ups in 2012
(PDF, 11.1KB, 1 page)
Full List of Offshore Fields in Production
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 29.3KB)
Oil discharged with produced water
A mixture of oil, water and gas is produced from reservoirs and these components are usually separated in the production train. The oil and gas is exported to shore while the produced water is disposed of. Produced water can be disposed of in a number of ways, however it is most commonly discharged to sea. The produced water will be contaminated with oil and is therefore treated to remove the majority of oil before being discharged to sea – although small volumes remain.
Between 1991 and 2005, the discharge of oil-contaminated produced water from offshore installations was permitted by an exemption granted under the Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971 (POPA). The oil content can not exceed 40 parts per million as a monthly average.
The Offshore Petroleum Activities (Oil Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2005 (OPPC) came into effect on 20 August 2005, replacing POPA. Under OPPC, installations are granted a permit for activities discharging oil to sea.
Since 1 January 2006, the oil in produced water must not exceed 30 milligrams per litre as a monthly flow weighted average.
In 2001 the OSPAR (Oslo and Paris) Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic – to which the UK is a contracting party – adopted Recommendation 2001/1. The recommendation set a goal that “each Contracting Party should ensure that the total quantity of oil in produced water discharged into the sea in the year 2006 from all offshore installations under its jurisdiction has been reduced by a minimum of 15% compared to the equivalent discharge in the year 2000 for all offshore installations under its jurisdiction at that time”.
The UK oil and gas industry implemented improvements in produced water management, which resulted in the UK meeting and exceeding the 15% reduction set under OSPAR Recommendation 2001/1.
Produced water discharges containing oil (2006-12)
The following table details instances of oil-contaminated produced water discharges between 2006 and 2012.
No of installations discharging oil in produced water
Total produced water discharged (million m3)
Total dispersed oil in produced water discharged (tonnes)
Oil content (mg/l)
Number of installations re-injecting oil in produced water
Produced water re-injected (million m3)
PPRS 2000 manual
Manual on National Archive
Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics Table F.2: Gas production, Gross gas production since 1991 and Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics Table F.1: Crude oil and natural gas liquids production
Clive Evans
Telephone: +44 (0) 300 068 5040
Field List
Derek Woolley
Telephone: +44 (0) 300 068 5751
DECC field partners and the percentage of their holding
Marcelle Wynter
Telephone: +44 (0) 300 068 66057
UK production data, Oil production since 1975 and Gas flaring at oil terminals and producing offshore oilfields
Phil Harrison
Telephone: +44 (0) 300 068 6036
Oil discharged with produced water
Jason Lomas
Telephone +44 (0) 1224 254110
UKCS income and expenditure, Production projections and Production (and demand) projections
Mike Earp
tel: 0300 068 5784
UK oil and gas reserves
John Webber
Telephone: +44 (0) 1224 254069
Joy Gray
Telephone: +44 (0) 300 068 6034
Field Approvals and Field Start-ups
John Webber
Telephone: +44 (0) 1224 254069
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