Updated: Oil and gas: various offshore maps and shapefiles - (updated)
You can access a digital map of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) oil and gas activity by individual quadrant, showing the licensed areas, and below it pop-up detailed maps of each of the quadrants that contain licensed areas (updated 07 January 2014).
Other maps of the UKCS
UKCS infrastructure wallmap showing oil and gas activity (updated 07 January 2014)
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UKCS designations
(PDF, 839KB, 1 page)
UKCS geological basins
(PDF, 1.33MB, 1 page)
In place Crown Estate Leases, Agreements for Lease and Search Areas (overlaying UKCS Petroleum Licensing Blocks)
This map is designed to assist petroleum licence holders to identify any area conflicts that their petroleum licences have with other users of the sea that have been granted rights by The Crown Estate.
Petroleum licence holders should identify any blocks where they hold a licence to check whether there may be a potential area conflict with a The Crown Estate rights holder. This could involve a physical overlap between a petroleum licence and The Crown Estate lease, etc or potential conflict as the areas are adjoining or near to each other (e.g. a helicopter zone may overlap with The Crown Estate lease, etc).
Petroleum licence holders are strongly advised to contact the other right holder(s) at the earliest opportunity to discuss and resolve any potential conflicts.
Further details are available on The Crown Estate web
Petroleum licence holders can contact The Crown Estate at oilandgasenquiries@thecrownestate.co.uk or on 020 7851 5343with general or specific questions.
TCE Leases and OG Licences
PDF, 1.19MB, 1 page
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quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("TCE Leases and OG Licences").
27th round of offshore licensing
27th round Blocks applied for
(ZIP, 122KB)
27th round Provisional Awards (updated 1st June 2013)
(ZIP, 21.7KB)
27th round Blocks available for licensing
(ZIP, 181KB)
Blocks relinquished (in whole or part) since the start of the 27th round process (updated 07 January 2014)
(ZIP, 49.3KB)
Hydrocarbon fields
(ZIP, 1.1MB)
Current licensing position (updated 07 January 2014)
(PDF, 1.39MB, 1 page)
27th round of offshore licensing - Second Tranche
27th round Provisional Awards - (added 29th November 2013)
(ZIP, 58.6KB)
Offshore GIS shapefiles
The shapefiles below are constructed by connecting GCS coordinates with a straight line rather than a geodetic arc (takes into account the curvature of the earth). They are therefore not suitable for defining legal boundaries or measuring areas.
What it covers
Last updated
Median line
extent of the UKCS - intended as a guide to offshore licensing. Does not contain definitive legal boundaries
03 February 2012
Hydrocarbon fields
oil, gas and condensate fields on the UKCS – indicates hydrocarbons only, not an accurate reflection of reservoir boundaries
07 January 2014
low-resolution coastline of mainland Britain
1 degree x 1 degree grid of the UKCS
Licensed blocks
grid of blocks and part blocks displaying licensed areas – intended as a guide, does not contain definitive legal boundaries. Download sub-area blocks shapefile or visit Licenses page of site for further details on operators
07 January 2014
Field determinations
taxation boundary that determines a hydrocarbon field
07 January 2014
surface locations of all UK onshore and offshore wells
07 January 2014
Strategic Environmental Assessment areas
areas considered for environmental protection and suitable development
Significant discoveries
discoveries identified by DECC as “significant” in terms of flow rate. Does not indicate commercial potential, but identifies those with an approved or in-production field development plan
07 January 2014
Renewable Energy Zones
boundary line for application of English and Scottish civil and criminal law to offshore renewable energy installations
16 September 2009
Sub-area blocks
grid of blocks and part blocks displaying operator and equity details – intended as a guide, does not contain definitive legal boundaries
07 January 2014
Licensed and unlicensed blocks
grid of all licensed and unlicensed blocks - intended as a guide, does not contain definitive legal boundaries
07 January 2014
Fallow Blocks and Discoveries
most recent listing of fallow blocks and discoveries
08 April 2013
Geological Basins
Major & Sub Geological Basins
31 July 2013
not maintained by DECC – see UKDEALfor shapefile
Wind Farm areas
not maintained by DECC – see Crown Estatefor shapefile
This data is supplied on a best effort basis only, utilising available information as provided by the original operators. While every effort is made to ensure the information is correct and up-to-date, the Department does not accept any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any nature, however caused, which may be sustained as a result of reliance upon such information.
If any errors are found or if you have any comments or other queries please contact:
Jerry Carnell
GIS Manager
Telephone: 0300 068 6031
Email: jerry.carnell@decc.gsi.gov.uk
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